Barnyard Math
Problem-Solving Workbook
Cost: $4
The best way to conquer a fear of word problems is to become good at them. And the best way to become good at them, is to work more of them. Barnyard Math is a collection of math word problems ranging from the simple to the complex, each involving farm life and animals. The problems contain only simple arithmetic so that the student can focus on the reasoning, and not be distracted by the computations. Barnyard Math is designed to build skill in math problem solving. Recommended for Grades 3 through 6. The student only needs to know addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division--no decimals required! When you purchase our book, you will be enabled to download a PDF file of the book and you will have the right to make as many copies as you wish within your immediate family or, if you are a teacher, within a single classroom. |